Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!  I can't believe it's finally here. It's been greatly anticipated in our house - mostly by Rick and me.  Of course Turbo has been super excited about Jesus' birthday, Santa, all the lights, activities, parties and yummy food that's been surrounding us these past 3 weeks!  He really 'gets' it more than ever - although he won't fully understand until the morning!  We can't wait to see his face, feel his excitement and hear all the funny things he's bound to say.   Our Little Sweetie isn't sure what's going on, but she's been having fun along with us. She enjoys the lights and especially loves to whack at the tree ornaments.  (It reminds me of what our cats used to do!).  Should be fun to see how much she enjoys ripping the wrapping paper open on her gifts! 

I hope you have a safe, warm and happy Christmas!