Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday (almost)

I almost made it. Maybe we can pretend that I'm posting from Hawaii and it's only 10pm on Tuesday.

About the pear he picked off the tree...
"I winned it. I winned it off the tree. I win all sorts of things - animals, food, bunnies"  We'd recently been to a carnival where he'd won a stuffed animal and a toy bunny.

Over the past several months, my little guy has had an imaginary dog that scares occasionally.
T: A dog is coming.
M: what's the dog's name?
T: "Baahoo The Scary"

Me telling Turbo he needed to share with his sister. 
T: "Mommy, is today Monday or Saturday?" 
M: "Today is Friday"
T: "I don't share on Friday. I only share on Saturday."
Fastforward to Saturday
M: Turbo, share with Lil Sweetie
T: "Is today Monday or Friday?"
M: Today is Saturday.
T: (a pause as it sinks in) I only share food on Saturday. Sometimes I share toys, but mostly I don't.

He was belly down, sliding off our hearth head first....
"Look Mommy, I'm coming out of my egg"

Tiny Talk Tuesday is hosted over at Not Before 7


wonderland said...

i love reading tiny talk!!! :) so cute!!

Notbefore7 said...

The sharing comment is hilarious! Quick little guy you got there :)

Happy TTT! Welcome!