Monday, October 26, 2009

~~~ Blog Award ~~~

Wow, I got a blog award!! It came from one of my favorite blogs - Counting Coconuts.  Mari-Ann is very creative and is always doing something new with her little man. Our kids are about the same age and I love to steal read her ideas! It's touching she thought of me. THANK YOU Mari-Ann for the award!

It's my turn to pass it along to a few other blogs I think are lovely.

Little Hands Big Work - I'm always amazed by this wonderful lady. She has three boys under 3 (yes!) and creates many wonderful things for them to do. Her blog has inspired me in many ways... one of which I'll be posting about next week!!

Mommies Wise Little Bookworms -  Home of our favorite Open Ended Art! Her art and nature posts inspire me with great ideas and new techniques to make art and nature fun, different and interesting. Plus she likes Toad the Wet Sprocket ~ got to love her for that alone! 

Spinner's End Nursery School - A Mommy blog with great Tot School activities. Her ideas are creative and always sure to be FUN! I've been stalking her blog for a very long time.

Chronicles of a Babywise Mom - This blog is full of resourceful information on Feedings/Naps/Night Waking questions for my little Sweet Pea!  When there's something amiss in those areas, I go here first for some ideas. There is so much great advice on her blog.

Adventures of Bear - Another Mommy blog that I read regularly.  I enjoy her Montessori type because they use tools/items we all have in our house. I can always find several ideas for Turbo and do them that same day!

These are just a few of the blogs I think are lovely. Bet you'll enjoy them too!

To "accept" your award, all you have to do is copy the award image above and add it to your blog (if you want to, of course).


Gidget Girl Reading said...

aww thanks!! :) I do love Toad about died when i got a twitter from the lead singer :)

thanks for loving Open Ended Art!

I love your blog too! :)

The girl who painted trees said...

Thank you so much for the award:)